Chenyan Jia
Chenyan Jia is an Assistant Professor in College of Arts, Media and Design with a joint appointment in Khoury College of Computer Sciences at Northeastern University. Before joining Northeastern University, she was a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University, co-advised by Professor Jeff Hancock and Professor Michael Bernstein. She was affiliated with Program on Democracy and the Internet (PDI), Stanford Social Media Lab and Stanford Human-Computer Interaction Group. She has been working as a research affiliate for UT Human–AI Interaction Lab.
Her research interests lie at the intersection of mass communication and human-computer interaction. She incorporates social science theories to understand the role of AI in human society and to design AI systems that align with societal values. Her work has examined:
(a) the influence of emerging media technologies on people’s attitudes and behaviors (e.g., [CSCW 22], [Journalism Studies], [IJoC 21], [IJoC 20],[Social Media and Society],[Media and Communication]);
(b) how to design human-centered AI and how to align AI with human values (e.g., [CSCW 24]; [ICLR 24]; [NeurIPS 22], [AAAI 21], [ACL 21], [CSCW 21]; [ICWSM 21]);
(c) how to mitigate the spread of misinformation (e.g., [PNAS Nexus], [CSCW 22], [New Media & Society], [Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review], [Vaccine]).
Her research typically appears in mass communication journals and top-tier AI and HCI venues including New Media & Society, Mass Communication and Society, Journal of Artificial Intelligence, CSCW, ICWSM, and AAAI. Her research was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI), Internet Democracy Initiative, and Stanford Cyber Policy Center. Chenyan has been awarded the CSCW Best Paper Award, CSCW Impact Recognition, AAAI Best Paper Award, and Harrington Dissertation Fellowship. She received her Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin and her master's degree from Peking University.

CS 7375 Seminar in Human-Computer Interaction: Computational Social Science
JRNL 3610 Digital Storytelling and Social Media